Category Career

Pros and Cons of Working in Large Companies

Large offices

  Young professionals seeking career growth and prospects typically seek employment in large, well-known national and international companies. However, working in large organizations has its unique characteristics, and not all employees may find such large structures comfortable. Therefore, when looking…

Getting a Job Through Acquaintances: Pros and Cons

Many job seekers opt to secure a job through acquaintances, a method supported by numerous surveys. While this approach is well-known, it is essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining employment through personal connections. Pros of Employment Through…

To Work or to Resign?

In the life of each employee from time to time such situations happen that you want to drop everything, quit your job, be that as it may. But is it reasonable to go nowhere? And is it really so bad…

Working For Money or For the Fun of the Thing?

What do we work for? I’m not going to say that labour is one of the natural human needs, that’s another subject. Of course, we work to have something to live on, keep ourselves and our families, meet our needs.…