Category Job Search

How to Find a Job in Sales?

Sales manager

Sales is a unique professional field that can become a great “trampoline” for a future career, a source of significant earnings, and stories of success that you’ll want to share. This article will be useful not only for those who…

15 Mistakes Every Job Seeker Should Avoid

Job application

Every detail is crucial in a job search, and even the smallest error can lead to failure, prolonging the job search process. Furthermore, job seekers may unknowingly repeat the same mistakes. This holds especially true for individuals new to the…

Can the Salary Stated In the Vacancy Be Trusted?

Female Jobseeker Thinking About Salaries

When looking at job advertisements, one of the main points that job seekers pay attention to is the salary line. This is not surprising: it is this criterion that quickly determines whether it makes sense to consider the vacancy or…

How to Make Inquiries About Employers?

Young woman searching for the information about an employer.

When you are about to send your resume to a company, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the company’s reputation in the labor market as an employer. To ensure a more informed and effective job search, it…

7 Original Approaches To the Job Search

jobseeker with a bag

  Job search can be a tricky task, but by using original ideas you can stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of employers. In this article we present seven out-of-the-box suggestions to help you find a job.…

Where to Begin Your Job Search: 17 Tips

person planning the job search

Don’t know where to start? Head over heels because of your recent dismissal, fears of the unknown, and worries about your future financial well-being? Here are some tips to help you pull yourself together and start a focused job search.

How to Land a Job: 10 Steps to the Work of Your Dream

A non-systematic job search can be a long and ineffective game, especially during an economic crisis. Sporadic sending of resumes for some random vacancies in unfamiliar companies (as it usually happens) does not increase the probability of finding a job,…

How to Get a Job with No Experience?

Many young professionals, when applying for jobs, face with the requirement of employers to have a work experience. But to gain a working experience one should first get a job. Thus, a vicious circle arises, and many young professionals cannot…