Category Job Search

7 Original Approaches To the Job Search

jobseeker with a bag

  Job search can be a tricky task, but by using original ideas you can stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of employers. In this article we present seven out-of-the-box suggestions to help you find a job.…

Where to Begin Your Job Search: 17 Tips

person planning the job search

Don’t know where to start? Head over heels because of your recent dismissal, fears of the unknown, and worries about your future financial well-being? Here are some tips to help you pull yourself together and start a focused job search.

How to Land a Job: 10 Steps to the Work of Your Dream

A non-systematic job search can be a long and ineffective game, especially during an economic crisis. Sporadic sending of resumes for some random vacancies in unfamiliar companies (as it usually happens) does not increase the probability of finding a job,…

How to Get a Job with No Experience?

Many young professionals, when applying for jobs, face with the requirement of employers to have a work experience. But to gain a working experience one should first get a job. Thus, a vicious circle arises, and many young professionals cannot…

Is it Easy to Get a Job through Recruitment Agencies?

As I said before, while searching a job you should use all means available. Resume submission to recruitment agencies is considered to be one of the main ways of job search. Nevertheless, many candidates face difficulties when trying to find…

Who is to Blame and What to Do?

So you’ve been looking for a job. You create accounts on job sites, browse jobs in newspapers, send out resumes in response to the ads and to the contacts taken from telephone directories, all potential employers in a row. From…

Crisis. No Jobs?

Crisis, crisis, crisis… How many times have we heard that word during the past years? Someone has no job offerings, someone has no money, and someone has canceled his plans. And there is someone who sitting at home says he…