Crisis, crisis, crisis… How many times have we heard that word during the past years? Someone has no job offerings, someone has no money, and someone has canceled his plans. And there is someone who sitting at home says he cannot find a job. Though all of them refer to the crisis. Well, they seem to have found a good excuse!
Some officials and experts say the crisis is over. Others believe that it will come to an end after some time. And many others predict that we are to see a new wave of crisis soon.
STOP! What does it matter at all which point we are now at with respect to the crisis? No difference. We live NOW. And we are not that rich to wait the crisis ends.
So let’s work on the realization of our plans right now. No need to sit with your hands folded waiting for the crisis to end. Otherwise, your dreams will never come true.
Think for a while. The crisis does not only mean problems in the economy. The crisis also implies new opportunities. As a matter of fact, it happened at difficult times when some individuals and companies grew rich capturing new markets while others became bankrupts.
Now we come back to you. Assume you have been looking for a job with no success. Very few jobs, almost nothing…
Nothing of the kind! At least the situation is not as bad as you think.
Every day I look through various job sites. And every day I see there some new vacancies. Interesting job offerings appear every day, here or there. If not on this job site, so on another. If not in this newspaper, so in another. If not in the company “A”, so in the company “B”. If not in this branch, so in another. If not in this department, so in the next. If not this very position, so similar. And so on.
You should take into account that for some reasons many jobs do not appear in open sources such as job sites or newspapers (this is the subject of a separate discussion).
And one more thing which is even more important. I want to attract your attention to it. A really qualified worker is ALWAYS IN DEMAND. Companies are always in need of high-skilled experienced professionals capable of solving complicated problems. Moreover, many companies cannot find such jobseekers which seem to be few and far between. Sometimes an employer doesn’t even place a vacancy for the reason he doesn’t believe such a specialist can be found.
So, if you are a real professional confident in your strength, you have many ways. To find a job, you need to take advantage of all opportunities available.
You might move to another city or even country. Or get a job on a rotational basis. You can retrain in related specialty (recall all that you know or love to do). You can do your own business (why not?). You should not necessarily have a large start-up capital: in the service sector, for example, it is often not required.
There is also another option. If you have any savings or secondary funding sources (for example, property lease), you might not work for a while focusing on self-improvement, getting new knowledge and improving personal qualities.
You might get some additional education, take courses, get certificates, etc. And it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on that. You can just buy some audio or video courses to study on your own. All that will increase your value on the labour market and will be useful in your private life.
I repeat it once again. There are jobs. And so the opportunities are. You should only find them. And in order to find them you should search. Search and ACT.
Start an active job search and – good luck!