7 Original Approaches To the Job Search

person walking holding brown leather bag


Job search can be a tricky task, but by using original ideas you can stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of employers. In this article we present seven out-of-the-box suggestions to help you find a job. These tips are general and can be applied to professionals with a wide range of specialties and experience in different industries.

Tips for a Creative Approach to getting a job

1. Create an unconventional resume

Instead of a traditional written resume, try creating something unique that will attract attention.

For example, you can present your skills and experience in the form of an infographic, create a creative video resume, or use an alternative format such as a folding paper design.

This approach will help you stand out from other candidates and be noticed by employers.

2. Prepare an audio resume or podcast

This is another way to approach the resume format in an unconventional way. Create an audio resume or podcast in which you can talk about your experience, skills, and interests in your professional field. It can be an interesting and innovative way to present your candidacy to employers.

3. Hold your own business event

Why not organize your own mini-event related to your field? It could be a seminar, a webinar or even a small conference. You don’t have to do it all yourself; you can ask your professional or business colleagues to co-organize it. Invite industry professionals to discuss current issues and use the event to network and showcase your expertise.

4. Organize an “open house”

An even bolder idea for hosting your own event. Invite employers to an “open house in your name” where they can see you in action.

Prepare a short presentation about your skills and achievements, visual materials such as slides or demonstration videos, conduct a small workshop or solve interesting cases on the spot. This will allow employers to see you in a real work situation and assess your potential.

5. Create a portfolio of your accomplishments

Beyond just a well-crafted but standard resume, create a creatively designed project portfolio where you can showcase your professional accomplishments and the real results of your work.

Use creative visualization techniques such as presentations, design mock-ups, or interactive elements. Show the potential employer your unique vision and creative approach to problem solving. This will give employers a better idea of your potential and qualities.

6. Use creative self-promotion advertising techniques

Think of unconventional ways to advertise your professional skills.

For example, you could place an ad on your car using a magnetic sticker with your contact details and information about your work experience.

This will attract the attention of others and may lead to unexpected scenarios.

7. Create a unique personal branding statement

Formulate a short but memorable phrase that describes you and your identity as a professional. It can be a smart play on words, an unusual description, or a vivid statement that helps potential employers remember you and understand your professional value. Use this expression on your resume, emails, and in professional meetings to grab employers’ attention and spark their interest.

Grabbing an employer’s attention is an important step toward a successful job search, especially in today’s competitive business environment where job hunting requires original approaches.

Creative ideas such as creating an unconventional resume, preparing a project portfolio, organizing an “open house”, creative advertising with active use of social media and media platforms, and creating a unique personal branding statement will help you stand out among other candidates and attract the interest of employers.

Don’t be afraid to be creative and original in your approaches, it can lead to unique opportunities in your career.